Election Integrity
Without free and fair elections, our Democracy cannot survive and “the consent of the governed” will continue to be handed over to corrupted officials who are responsible for the mess we are in. With more and more widespread voter fraud from 2020 being revealed everyday, CAP has spearheaded several ground breaking Projects to expose the fraud and clean up our voter files and flawed election processes.
If you are willing to help in your county, please DONATE and CONTACT US today.
Medical Sovereignty
While the 4th Amendment mandates that we are to be “secure in our persons”, Big Pharma and anti-freedom interests want to force medical treatments and vaccines that should be left to personal choice. CAP is helping to stop unconstitutional vaccine mandates and any other forced medical treatments through civic action and mobilization.
Fiscal Accountability
Government spending accountability to taxpayers is crucial to prevent waste and abuse and to stop excessive government expansion into the public and private sectors.
Help CAP to protect TABOR and expose and reform spending and taxation abuses.
Corruption Prosecution
Nothing is more egregious to Democracy than official corruption by elected officials and government employees. When the rule of law is ignored, every aspect of a healthy society suffers. Too often misconduct is swept under the rug and citizens never get justice by holding these criminals accountable.
Help CAP investigate and expose government corruption by contacting us today.
Economic Freedom
The out of control spending of local, state, and federal government is crippling economic freedom, harming business growth, and increasing unemployment. With neo-marxists controlling economic policy in Colorado and America, citizens must push back to stop the decay of economic freedom.
Please contact or donate to CAP today to help expose and reverse dangerous government expansion.
Private Property Rights
Private Property Rights in Colorado are being eroded by excessive government interference and land grabs.
Join with CAP to protect your property and help prevent the government from owning and mismanaging the People's land.